What solicitors in the Gold Coast can do for you

October 4, 2019

There is a range of legal issues that a solicitor can expertly handle for you. While court appearances are not part of what solicitors Gold Coast do, they expertly handle a lot of your personal legal needs.

Some common legal issues that a solicitor can guide and do for you include:

Selling or purchasing a property

As a buyer

A solicitor can be the best legal advisor to have when you are thinking of purchasing a property. A note of interest to indicate your interest in a property can be properly handled and given to the seller by a solicitor. The note of interest is simply to know about the progress of the property being sold and not an obligation to purchase. This means that you will be informed if an offer is made by another buyer.

Other than the issuance of the note of interest, a solicitor can help you:

  • Arrange for a detailed survey of the potential property
  • Understand the details of the Home reports provided by the seller
  • Assist in loan/mortgage arrangements
  • Advice on the offer amount for the property
  • Execute the written acceptance
  • Assist in the transfer documents
  • Arranging for fund transfers
  • Handle the registration requirements

As a seller

Selling a property can become trouble and stress-free when entrusted to a solicitor. The benefits gained from hiring a solicitor to handle the sale of the property include:

  • Advice about home report requirements
  • Negotiate the sale price of the property
  • Handle the various paperwork once a buyer’s offer has been accepted

Setting up your business

Setting up your business can be a tricky and confusing process. Hiring a solicitor to oversee the set-up is the best way to prevent acquiring unnecessary expenses.

Hiring a solicitor is the smartest way to financially and legally protect your startup. The things your solicitor can help with the business set up include:

  • Advice on the best business structure suitable for the business you have in mind
  • Help arrange financing needs
  • Make you understand the lease terms of potential premises for the business
  • Helps you comply with the insurance and tax requirements
  • Deal with employee hiring as well as settle disputes when it happens

Getting divorced or separated

Getting separated or divorced from a spouse or partner can be very emotional especially when it involves children. A solicitor is a highly trained expert that can handle this particular stressful situation.


Cohabitation is a state where you and your partner lived together without the benefit of marriage. A solicitor can help both partners divide their accumulated assets equally.


A decree or court order is required before divorce is granted. Evidence of irretrievable breakdown must be presented to the court for them to grant the divorce decree. There are four ways to establish irretrievable breakdown, to include:

  • Irrational behaviour
  • Consensual separation of one year
  • Not living together for two years
  • Adultery

Settling matters between spouses are one important aspect a solicitor can help and handle.

Legal issues involving family, business, buying and selling are just some of the matters that are professionally handled by well-experienced and highly-trained solicitors. When you need guidance for a range of legal matters , turn to solicitors located in Gold Coast.